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Control Theory 4 (Forår 2012) |
Kursuskode : | EREG4-U1 | ||
ECTS Point : | 10 | Status : | Obligatorisk |
Revideret : | 15/06 2010 | Oprettet : | 27/01 2009 |
Placering : | 4. semester | Timer pr. uge : | 8 |
Længde : | 1 semester | Undervisningssprog : | Dansk og engelsk |
Målsætning : | To provide students with skills to analyse, design and implement controllers for technical systems. The course introduces students to the topics as specified in the “Principal Concept”. EREG4E is connected to the project in PROE4, where the students implement the learned control theory into practical model – autonomous robot. Learning outcomes: The student must be able to: 1. Use concepts, theory, components and methods introduced in the course. 2. Develop and use mathematical models for technical systems, design and simulate relevant controllers, as introduced in the course. 3. Design, calculate, and simulate continuous PID-controllers, for different technical systems. 4. Design and simulate digital PID-controllers, with nonlinearities. 5. Analyze specifications, calculations and simulations, and draw clear and relevant conclusions. 6. Hypothesize the reasons for differences between calculated and simulated/actual results and discuss the hypothesis from relevant theory or from relevant simulations and test. |
Hovedindhold : | Dynamical systems and mathematical modelling: Description of models for technical systems, such as electrical systems and other mixed systems. Analogies. Experimental modelling using frequency characteristics. Solution methods for mathematical models, including Laplace transformation. Time response and frequency response. Simulation and verification of mathematical models. Basic control theory in engineering: Analysis and design of feedback systems, block diagrams and reduction of multiple subsystems. Stability of feedback systems, in time- and in frequency- domains. DC-motor. Fundamentals of PID-controllers. Design of analogue- and digital-PID-controllers. Simulations in MATLAB/SIMULINK including most common nonlinearities. |
Undervisningsform : | In the beginning of the semester the teaching will be a mixture of classroom lecturing and problem work solving, including simulations with MATLAB and SIMULINK. This form makes up 50% to 75% of the scheduled time in the semester, distributed as 100% in the beginning of the semester and 0% towards the end of the semester. In relation to the contents of EREG4E two mandatory course assignments have to be carried out and documented in writing. | ||
Krævede forudsætninger : | Documented knowledge similar to all previous (1,2,3 semester) courses. | ||
Anbefalede forudsætninger : | None | ||
Relationer : | PROE4 | ||
Prøveform : | Se under bemærkninger | ||
Censur : | Ekstern | ||
Bedømmelse : | 7-trinsskala | ||
Bemærkninger : | Oral examination as follows: • The individual presentation of a self-chosen topic from the mandatory assignments, up to 5 minutes per student is available for this presentation. • The individual examination in the randomly selected topic, one of the 8 topics (given to the students in advance) covering the principal content of the EREG4E-course, up to 10 minutes per student is available for this presentation. After the student’s presentations, internal and external examiner ask supplementary questions to both presentations. Grades are given as follows: 02 : For a minimum of basic knowledge and routine corresponding to the learning outcomes points 1 and 2. 7 : For knowledge, routine and behaviour corresponding to the learning outcomes points 1 to 4. 12 : For a brilliant performance demonstrating knowledge, routine, professional depth and reflective skills with respect to the learning outcomes - with no or only a few minor flaws, corresponding to all the learning outcomes points 1 to 6. |
Undervisningsmateriale : | Norman S. Nise: Control Systems Engineering, 4th edition or later. Supplementary notes available from CampusNet |
Ansvarlig underviser : | Anna Friesel
, anfri@dtu.dk |