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Advanced Engineering Dynamics (Spring 2012)

Course code : ME-AED-U1
ECTS Credits : 5 Status : Optional
Revised : 10/08 2010 Written : 14/07 2010
Placement : 6. semester Hours per week : 4
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English

Objective : The principal goal of this course is to increase the student’s understanding to the point that real-world dynamic problems can be analyzed and solved, using advanced techniques. By the end of the course, the student will be able to analyze and understand the dynamics of complex mechanical systems such as satellites, robotic manipulators, vehicles, and mechanisms.

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:

• Find the differential equations of motion for a reasonably complex mechanical system.
• Analyze the mathematical model of a dynamical system• Determine various dynamical quantities by calculations.
• Apply the methods of analytical dynamics to practical engineering problems.
• Read engineering and mathematical literature on advanced dynamics and “geometric mechanics”.
Principal Content : The course gives a detailed description of the analytical tools of dynamics as used in mechanical and aerospace engineering. The following topics will be covered:
Review of Newtonian dynamics. Principle of virtual work. Classification of constraints. D’Alembert principle. Lagrange’s equations. Hamilton’s equations. Gyroscopic motion. Conservative and non-conservative systems. Euler angles. Dyadic notation. Kinematics and dynamics of a rigid body. Euler equations. Equations of motion: Differential approach. Hamilton’s principle of least action. Integral methods. Introduction to “Geometric Mechanics”.

The theoretical results of the course will be illustrated by practical examples.
Teaching method : The teaching is based on "learning by doing". There will be introductory and summing up lectures. Project work in small groups includes tutorial exercises, assignments, computer simulations and case studies.
Required prequisites : Applied Mathematics 1 (ME-MAT1) and Applied Mechanics 2 (ME-MEC2) or equivalent.
Recommended prerequisites : Good mathematical background.

Relations : The course builds on material taught in a first course in dynamics. The course methods can be used in many courses and projects, such as the Bachelor project. The subject of dynamics is considered fundamental to the objectives of the mechanical engineering program.
Type of examination : Two hours written examination
External examiner : None
Marking : 7 step scale
Remarks : The final evaluation of each student will be based on a number of course assignments (worth 50%) and a two-hour written exam (worth 50%).

The course builds on material taught in a first course in dynamics. The course methods can be used in many courses and projects, such as the Bachelor project. The subject of dynamics is considered fundamental to the objectives of the mechanical engineering program.
This is a relevant optional course in the study program “Engineering Design & Industrial Innovation” offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. It is, however, also relevant to students who intend to do research in mechanical and aerospace engineering.
Teaching material : - Advanced Dynamics, by Donald T. Greenwood, ISBN-10: 0-521-02993-7, Cambridge University Press 2003.
- Lecture Notes on CampusNet
Responsible teacher : Imad Abou-Hayt , iabo@dtu.dk