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Mechanical Design 2 (Forår 2012)

Kursuskode : ME-MED2-U1
ECTS Point : 5 Status : Obligatorisk
Revideret : 10/08 2011 Oprettet : 10/08 2011
Placering : 3. semester Timer pr. uge : 4
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Engelsk

Målsætning : The course is a continuation of the 2nd semester course Mechanical Design 1.
The overall course objective is to provide the students with the basics of machine design, including the design process, mechanics and materials, failure prevention under static and variable loading, as well as the characteristics of the principal types of mechanical elements. In addition, the course will give the students a firm foundation to enable them design appropriate machine components for a machine or a structure, based on requirements to the components.
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
• Use mechanics and properties of materials in the design of machine elements.
• Apply theories of failure to predict failure of machine components subjected to static and variable loading.
• Describe capabilities and characteristics for a number of important machine elements.
• Elaborate on the working conditions and other operating conditions for components in a mechanical product.
• Identify components which are critically loaded.
• State requirements to materials and surfaces for components in machines and structure.
• Use the standards, which describe the frame for designing machine elements, including American standards (ASME, ANSI, SAE), European standards (EN, DS) and International standards (ISO).
• Specify tolerance requirements to machine elements and mechanical systems.
• Read engineering literature on machine design.
Hovedindhold : The course is a continuation of the 2nd semester course Mechanical Design 1.
The overall course objective is to provide the students with the basics of machine design, including the design process, mechanics and materials, failure prevention under static and variable loading, as well as the characteristics of the principal types of mechanical elements. In addition, the course will give the students a firm foundation to enable them design appropriate machine components for a machine or a structure, based on requirements to the components.
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
• Use mechanics and properties of materials in the design of machine elements.
• Apply theories of failure to predict failure of machine components subjected to static and variable loading.
• Describe capabilities and characteristics for a number of important machine elements.
• Elaborate on the working conditions and other operating conditions for components in a mechanical product.
• Identify components which are critically loaded.
• State requirements to materials and surfaces for components in machines and structure.
• Use the standards, which describe the frame for designing machine elements, including American standards (ASME, ANSI, SAE), European standards (EN, DS) and International standards (ISO).
• Specify tolerance requirements to machine elements and mechanical systems.
• Read engineering literature on machine design.
Undervisningsform : The teaching is based on "learning by doing". There will be introductory and summing up lectures. Project work in small groups includes computer simulations, use of internet search engines and case studies
Krævede forudsætninger : Mechanical Design 1, Engineering Materials, Applied Mechanics 1, Applied Mathematics 1.
Relationer : Projects 3-4, Applied Mechanics 2.
Prøveform : Mundtlig prøve
Censur : Intern
Bedømmelse : 7-trinsskala
Bemærkninger : Oral examination based on a number of design examples. The final evaluation of each student will be based on an assessment of the presentation of design examples.
Undervisningsmateriale : Machine Design: An Integrated Approach: Fourth Edition,
ISBN-13: 978013138438, by Robert L. Norton, Pearson 2011.
Ansvarlig underviser : Imad Abou-Hayt , iabo@dtu.dk