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Plastics Design (Forår 2012)

Kursuskode : ME-PLD-U1
ECTS Point : 5 Status : Tilvalg
Revideret : 16/12 2009 Oprettet : 08/12 2009
Placering : 6. semester Timer pr. uge : 4
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Engelsk

Målsætning : To enable the students to use the properties of plastic materials in an innovative way, as well as to plan and carry out experimental work for solving technical problems associated with processing of plastic materials as well as the use of plastic materials in design.
A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
• Describe mechanical, chemical and rheological properties of different plastic materials.
• Describe plastics processing technology, equipment and functions.
• Select plastic materials based on functional requirements of the product.
• Analyse and evaluate the influence of processing technologies on the final product including process parameters optimization.
• Perform qualitative and quantitative assessment of design with plastics including economical key figures.
• Plan, execute and evaluate experimental work.
• Demonstrate understanding of design with plastics through specific problem solutions and typical defects clarification.
• Use the software “Cambridge Engineering Selector” and other sources of information for interactive material, process and design support.
• Present methods, results and conclusions in a report and in a presentation.

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to:
• Describe mechanical, chemical and rheological properties of different plastic materials.
• Describe plastics processing technology, equipment and functions.
• Select plastic materials based on functional requirements of the product.
• Analyse and evaluate the influence of processing technologies on the final product including process parameters optimization.
• Perform qualitative and quantitative assessment of design with plastics including economical key figures.
• Plan, execute and evaluate experimental work.
• Demonstrate understanding of design with plastics through specific problem solutions and typical defects clarification.
• Use the software “Cambridge Engineering Selector” and other sources of information for interactive material, process and design support.
• Present methods, results and conclusions in a report and in a presentation.
Hovedindhold : Introduction to plastics. Colours, surfaces, selection of material and models. Testing methods, degradation, long-term properties, and influence of processing on properties. Chemical resistance. Databases and other sources of information on plastics materials properties. Snap connections, integrated hinges and press fits. Tool design for injection moulded products. Optimization and control of plastics processes. Experiment planning. Case studies.
The software “Cambridge Engineering Selector” (CES EduPack) is used for interactive material and process selection in the design of plastic products.
Undervisningsform : The teaching is based on "learning by doing". There will be introductory and summing up lectures. Project work in small groups includes tutorial exercises, assignments, lab exercises, computer simulations, use of internet search engines and case studies.
Krævede forudsætninger : Engineering Materials (ME-MTR) or equivalent.
Anbefalede forudsætninger : Design for Manufacture (ME-DEM).
Relationer : The course contents and methods can be used in many courses and projects, such as the Bachelor project.
Prøveform : Mundtlig evaluering på grundlag af kursusopgaver
Censur : Intern
Bedømmelse : 7-trinsskala
Bemærkninger : This is a relevant optional course in the study program “Engineering Design & Industrial Innovation” offered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering. It is, however, a fundamental course for engineering students, specializing in materials and manufacturing processes.
Ansvarlig underviser : Imad Abou-Hayt , iabo@dtu.dk