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Economics for Engineers (Forår 2013)

Kursuskode : ME-ECO-U1
ECTS Point : 5 Status : Obligatorisk
Revideret : 30/01 2013 Oprettet : 26/08 2008
Placering : 6. semester Timer pr. uge : 4
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Engelsk

Målsætning : To provide the students with a fundamental understanding of how to evaluate investments and financial instruments, and to apply economic theory and methods to investments projects.
Hovedindhold : Investment theory and financial theory. Analysis of cash flow. Analysis of risks applied to investments and financial instruments.
Undervisningsform : Classroom lectures. Assignments and cases.
Krævede forudsætninger : none
Anbefalede forudsætninger : none
Relationer : Projects 1-4, Engineering Materials, Industrial Design, Product Design, and Manufacturing Technology.
Prøveform : Skriftlig 4-timers prøve
Censur : Ekstern
Bedømmelse : 7-trinsskala
Bemærkninger : none
Undervisningsmateriale : - Economic Decision Analysis, 4th Edition: by Mark C. Roberts, Paul A. Nelson and James R. Gale, Pearson 2011.
- Lecture notes and cases.
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