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Mechanical Design 2 (Forår 2013)

Kursuskode : ME-MED2-U1
ECTS Point : 5 Status : Obligatorisk
Revideret : 18/04 2013 Oprettet : 10/08 2011
Placering : 3. semester Timer pr. uge : 4
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Engelsk

Målsætning : The overall course objective of this course (together with M-MED 1/ME-MED 1) is to provide the students with the basics of machine design, including the design process, mechanics and materials, failure prevention under static and variable loading, as well as the characteristics of the principal types of mechanical elements. In addition, the course will give the students a firm foundation to enable them design appropriate machine components for a machine or a structure, based on requirements to the components.
Hovedindhold : This course covers various issues in the analysis and design of the most commonly used machine components:
- Flexible mechanical elements: Belts and roller chains
- Tolerances and fits II
- Gears, clutches, brakes, couplings and flywheels II
- Starting and stopping of machinery
Undervisningsform : The teaching is based on class room teaching and solving problems or case studies individually or in groups.
Krævede forudsætninger : M(E)-MED1
Anbefalede forudsætninger : none
Relationer : Projects 3-4, Applied Mechanics 2.
Prøveform : Skriftlig 4-timers prøve
Censur : Ekstern
Bedømmelse : 7-trinsskala
Bemærkninger : Oral examination based on a number of design examples. The final evaluation of each student will be based on an assessment of the presentation of design examples.
Undervisningsmateriale : - Machine Design: An Integrated Approach: International Edition, 3/E,
ISBN-13: 9780132020121, by Robert L. Norton, Pearson 2006. (For the course in English)
- Machine Elements, Analysis and Design. Peder Klit, Knud Casper & Niels L. Pedersen, ISBN-13: 9788750210108, Polyteknisk Forlag 2009 (For the course in Danish)
- Machine Elements, Analysis and Design. Problems. Peder Klit, Knud Casper & Niels L. Pedersen, ISBN-9788770780070, Polyteknisk Forlag 2009 (For the course in Danish)
- Supplemental literature: Mechanical and Metal Trades Handbook, Ulrich Fischer et al, ISBN-13: 9783808519134, Verlag Europa Lehrmittel 2008 (For the course in Danish)

- Lecture notes on CampusNet (For both courses).

Ansvarlig underviser : Jens Bækkel Larsen , jlkme@dtu.dk