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Interdisciplinary Project 4 (Fall 2006)

Course code : ETVP4E-U01
ECTS Credits : 20 Status : Compulsory
Revised : 13/09 2006 Written : 01/10 1995
Placement : 4. semester Hours per week : 16
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish and English

Objective : To provide students with skills to complete the engineering design project from the specification to the working model of the specified product. The results should be described in the rapport, which is the part of the assessment.
TVP4E train the students in following skills:
- to plan their own workload,
- to manage engineering design problems from the specification to the working model,
- to manage more than one solution to the design problem,
- to study new subjects independently,
- to keep agreements
- to implement technical solutions into working model
- to communicate clearly both orally and in writing
- to work with big engineering projects in a team
- to co-operate with others in team.
The TVP4E project challenges the students to find individual solutions to engineering problems. The “correct” solutions to the problems in TVP4E do not exist.
Principal Content : TVP4E is the integrated project form, where students work in teams. The aim of the project is to design and implement an autonomic mobile robot, executing a compulsory task and an optional task chosen by the students.
To support the technical aspects of the project, supervision is given within the subjects: analog and digital electronics, practical robotics. The course in dynamical systems and basic control theory will be given. The mandatory exercises related to the robot project, will be given. Solution’s results from this mandatory exercise have to be included in the project report.
Teaching method : In TVP4E the students work in teams (the project groups), which consist of 4 to 5 students each. The formation of the groups has to be done during the first week. The formation of the group is students’ own responsibility, because among objectives of this course are teamwork and cooperation. Each project group has a project supervisor.
Required prequisites : Documented knowledge similar to all previous (1,2,3 semester) courses.
Recommended prerequisites : None
Relations : None
Type of examination : Oral examination based on a project
External examiner : External
Marking : Scale of 13
Remarks : Under normal circumstances it is not possible for a single student to complete TVP4E project individually. The possible exemption could be to retake the course or due to extraordinary circumstances. In such case, a request, with supporting reasons, should be sent to the Staff-Student Committee (studienævnet).

The project should be completed using components available from the component store. The chassis handed out must be used for the mobile robot, equipped with motors and batteries. Deviations from these conditions have to be approved in advance by the supervisor, concerned on the basis of a written application from the project group. The progress in the project is evaluated during the semester, in accordance to the project scheme (milestones), in accordance with the plan made by the group and approved by supervisor at the beginning of the semester.
The supervisor has the right to refuse admission to the TVP4E examination for his group, if the agreements, regarding the progress of the project are not kept.
The mandatory course assignment must be approved in order to enter the examination.

At the examination each student is allocated 30 minutes. The evaluation is based on a general impression of the level achieved by the student relative to the objective of the course. The evaluation is based on the report, the mandatory exercises, the oral performance and the functionality of the project.

The group presents the project by giving well-prepared presentations. The duration of the presentation is approx. 1/3 of the time allocated to the examination. The group is required to coordinate their presentations in such a way that the major aspects of the project are covered, that the presentations are different and that each individual presentation has a good technical span. After the group presentation comes individual examination, the supervisors and the external examiner pose questions inspired by the presentations and the report.

During the evaluation by the supervisors and the external examiner, all members of the group leave the room.

Afterwards all the students come in and get explained their individual marks, and their teamwork and project results are commented by supervisors and external moderator.
If a student doesn’t pass the examination, guidance on how to improve the chances of passing is given.
Teaching material : Norman S. Nise: Control Systems Engineering, 4th edition or later.
Supplementary literature:
Joseph L. Jones & Anita M. Flynn: Mobile Robots - Inspiration to Implementation. A.K. Peters Wellesley, Massachusetts 1993. ISBN 1-56881-011-3. 1. Ed. , Michael J. Pont: Patterns for Time-Triggered Embedded Systems Building Reliable Applications with the 8051 Family of Microcontrollers (with CD-ROM)
Responsible teacher : Anna Friesel , anfri@dtu.dk