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Digital Signalprocessing and Mathematics 2 (Fall 2007)

Course code : EDSM2-U01
ECTS Credits : 10 Status : Compulsory
Revised : 01/10 2007 Written : 11/12 2000
Placement : 2. semester Hours per week : 8
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : Danish and English

Objective : Purpose:
Development of mathematical key competences for engineers in the field of electronics and IT. The course balances a theoretical and an applicational aim, with emphasis on project-orientation and the use of computers.

Learning outcomes:
The student must be able to:
• Explain the concept of aliasing.
• Analyse digital filters (FIR and IIR) using the concepts: Convolution, difference equation, impulse response, frequency response, transfer function in the z-domain and poles/zeros.
• Set up specifications for the amplitude response of FIR and IIR filters.
• Apply the design tools of MATLAB to calculate the filter coefficients.
• Implement and test by measurements digital filters using a DSP evaluation kit.

Non-technical skills:
The student must be able to:
• Work out written reports in connection to the course assignments.
• Collect information and acquire new knowledge.
• Communicate technical problems in writing and speech.
• Cooperate in groups.
Principal Content : - - Analysis of discrete-time linear systems in the time-, frequency- and z-domains.
- Design and implementation of digital filters on a digital signal processor including A/D and D/A converters.
- MATLAB is used as simulation tools with the goal of supporting the learning process.
Teaching method : Classroom teaching, problem solving in groups and exercises. Throughout the course students work in groups on course assignments.
Required prequisites : Documented knowledge corresponding to DSM1.
Recommended prerequisites : -The study module is succeeded by DSM3 (for students in Information and Communication Technology) or DSM4 (for students in Electronics and Computer Engineering).
Relations :
Type of examination : Look under remarks
External examiner : External
Marking : 7 step scale
Remarks : - 7-step scale.
Three of the steps of this scale are described below:

12 is given for a brilliant performance demonstrating knowledge, routine, behaviour and reflective skills with respect to the learning outcomes, with no or only a few inessential flaws

7 is given for knowledge, routine and behaviour corresponding to almost all the learning outcomes, but with some more essential flaws.

02 is given for the minimum acceptance of basic knowledge and routine corresponding to the learning outcomes.

- In the beginning of the semester, the students form the project-groups. The group-size should be 3-5 students. In special cases, the teacher can accept smaller groups. Each group will have a supervisor to support their project-work and carry out the exam.
If a group member repeatedly violates the group agreements, the group can recommend him/her for exclusion.
If a student does not contribute to the project-work, he/she will be refused admission to the exam.

Before the exam:
The group present the project. Each student will give an approximately 10 minutes presentation of a part of the project. These presentations must be different and together they must cover important topics of the project.

Oral exam:
The exam is individual, and each student is examined about 20 minutes. The assessment is based on the project-report, the oral performance and the functionality of the product.
During the exam, supervisor and censor will ask questions inspired by the presentation and the project-report. The questions will cover the content and goals of the course.

After the exam:
If the student has questions about the exam and wants the result to be explained further, he may contact the supervisor by e-mail to make an appointment.. Students who fail to pass the exam may be guided to prepare for a re-examination. This consultation takes preferably place by the start of the following semester.
Teaching material : Signal Processing First, 1st edition, Pearson Prentice Hall 2003, ISBN: 0-13-120265-0
Responsible teacher : Agnethe Knudsen , ak@ihk.dk
Anne Marie Hinke , amh@ihk.dk
Hans Pedersen , hchpe@dtu.dk
John Aasted Sørensen , jaas@dtu.dk
John Kryger Sørensen , jksor@dtu.dk