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Optics and optical communication (Forår 2004)

Kursuskode : EOPT-U01
ECTS Point : 7,5 Status : Tilvalg
Placering : 5-7 semester Timer pr. uge : 4
Længde : 1 semester Undervisningssprog : Dansk hvis der ikke er engelsksprogede studerende tilstede

Hovedindhold : Lasers, polarisation, Fresnells equation, diffraction, geometrical optics, fibre, optical fibre communication. Fabrication of optical devices.
Undervisningsform : Lectures using optical technologies as a starting point to describe the physical principals of optical signal processing devices including working and manufacturing principles. Experimental and theoretical student project to further illustrate how the optical components works. Problem solutions and company visits.
Krævede forudsætninger : DSM3 or DSM4.
Ansvarlig underviser : Poul-Erik Hansen , peh@ihk.dk