Dansk - English

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Circuit theory and Analog Electronics (Spring 2012)

Course code : ECIA3-U1
ECTS Credits : 10 Status : Compulsory
Revised : 29/03 2012 Written : 29/05 2008
Placement : 3. semester Hours per week : 8
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English

Objective : Learning outcomes:

The student must be able to:

1. Make all given assignments and upload records of work and results of the assignments, to a group folder in CampusNet.

2. Have a basic understanding of the topics mentioned under “Principal Content”.

3. Cooperate and prepare a convincing presentation using relevant engineering terms and language.

4. Relate theory, calculations, models and simulation results and state possible differences.

5. Hypothesize the reasons for differences in different models.
Principal Content : Linear circuit theory: Independent and dependent generators, Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance. Ohms law. Voltage division. Kirchhoff´s Current and Voltage Law. Node- and Mesh-equation. Thevenin and Norton equivalent. Power and Energy. Time domain: Natural response, Step response, Time constant, Overshoot, Resonance. Frequency domain: Complex frequency "s", Impedance, Transfer function, Poles, Zeroes, Frequency response, Bode plot, Resonant frequency, Quality factor.

Time-, short time-, long time-, DC-, AC-, LF-, MF-, HF-models of linear passive components and circuits.

Basic nonlinear-, DC-, and Linear-models of semiconductor components: Operational amplifier, Diode, Transistors (BJT, J-FET, MOS-FET).

Analog electronics and components: Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, Operational amplifier, diode, transistors (Bipolar transistor, J-FET, MOS-FET). Basic semiconductor circuits with emphasis on low frequency amplifiers.

Tools and methods:
Computer-based math tools. Time- and frequency domain circuit simulation.
Teaching method : Class teaching composed of overview lectures mixed with partly PC-based exercises carried out in groups.
Required prequisites : Documented knowledge similar to VKET, MATE1 and DSM2.
Relations : Real life experiments are covered and evaluated separately in PROE3. CIA is a prerequisite for all the following study modules in the field of analog and power electronics, and control theory (REG4). PROE3 and ELF3 are followed simultaneously.
Type of examination : Look under remarks
External examiner : External
Marking : 7 step scale
Remarks : -Oral examination based on a presentation related to assignments carried out during the course.

Grades are given as follows from a general impression and are based on the presentation and the individual exam and the teacher’s estimation that all assignments have been made:

For adequate fulfilling of the learning outcomes point 1 to 3.

For fulfilling the learning outcomes point 1 to 4.

For fulfilling the learning outcomes point 1 to 5.

In the beginning of the semester the students form their own groups. The group size should be 3-5 students. Under special circumstances, the teacher may allow smaller group sizes.

Students that have not formed a group, before a deadline set by the teacher, are considered to be inactive and will not get a CampusNet group folder and will loose rights to any service from the teacher!

All assignments most be made and it"s up to the group to ensure this. The group most continuously uploads records of work and results of the assignments, to a group folder in CampusNet. ( No formal reports! )
The teacher has access to the CampusNet group folder. The external censor does not have access to CampusNet, but the teacher may report if any of the assignment records are missing.
It"s the group"s responsibility to keep a backup of the data in case of loss of CampusNet data.

Students that follow the Danish line may choose to do assignments, presentation and exam in Danish.

On the same day as the examination, before the examination, the group must together present the assignments. Each student is allocated 10 minutes for their presentation. The group is required to coordinate the presentations in such a way that the major aspects of the assignments are covered, that the presentations are different and that each individual presentation has a good technical span.

At the presentation the external censor and the teacher will be the audience. The teacher takes notes for the examination.

Examination: Each student is allocated 10 minutes. The examination is individual. The teacher and the external examiner pose questions inspired by the presentation. The evaluation is based on a general impression of the level achieved by the student relative to the objective of the course.

After the examination students, who wish so, may request (by email) a consultation after the exam, where the exam can be discussed with the supervisor. At this consultation, students that have not passed the exam will be guided on how to work purposeful towards passing a new exam. The consultation will normally take place in the beginning of the following semester.
Teaching material : Electric Circuits 8th ed. James W. Nilsson, Susan A Riedel. Prentice-Hall. ISBN 0131989251.

Literature on Diode, Transistors (BJT, J-FET, MOS-FET): To be published later…

Responsible teacher : Lars Maack , lmaa@dtu.dk