Dansk - English

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Circuit theory and Analog Electronics (Spring 2012)

Course code : ECIA3-U1
ECTS Credits : 10 Status : Compulsory
Placement : 3. semester Hours per week : 8
Length : 1 semester Teaching Language : English

Principal Content : Linear circuit theory: Independent and dependent generators, Resistance, Capacitance, Inductance. Ohms law. Voltage division. Kirchhoff´s Current and Voltage Law. Node- and Mesh-equation. Thevenin and Norton equivalent. Power and Energy. Time domain: Natural response, Step response, Time constant, Overshoot, Resonance. Frequency domain: Complex frequency "s", Impedance, Transfer function, Poles, Zeroes, Frequency response, Bode plot, Resonant frequency, Quality factor.

Time-, short time-, long time-, DC-, AC-, LF-, MF-, HF-models of linear passive components and circuits.

Basic nonlinear-, DC-, and Linear-models of semiconductor components: Operational amplifier, Diode, Transistors (BJT, J-FET, MOS-FET).

Analog electronics and components: Resistor, Capacitor, Inductor, Operational amplifier, diode, transistors (Bipolar transistor, J-FET, MOS-FET). Basic semiconductor circuits with emphasis on low frequency amplifiers.

Tools and methods:
Computer-based math tools. Time- and frequency domain circuit simulation.
Teaching method : Class teaching composed of overview lectures mixed with partly PC-based exercises carried out in groups.
Required prequisites : Documented knowledge similar to VKET, MATE1 and DSM2.
Responsible teacher : Lars Maack , lmaa@dtu.dk