IHK kursusarkiv
EAADFE-U01 Avanceret analog design og feedbackEAADFE-U01 Advanced Analog Design and Feedback
EAIT-U1 Kunstig Intelligens EAIT-U1 Artificial Intelligence
EANN-U01 Artificial Neural NetworkEANN-U01 Artificial Neural Network
EARK-U01 Computer ArchitectureEARK-U01 Computer Architecture
EBAC-15-U1 BachelorprojektEBAC-15-U1 Bachelor project
EDCEC-U01 Digital kodning og fejlkorrektionEDCEC-U01 Digital coding and error correction methods
EDCM-U01 Digital kommunikation and modulationEDCM-U01 Digital communication and modulation
EDIG1A-U01 Digital designEDIG1A-U01 Digital design
EDIG2A-U01 Digtal Elektronik 2EDIG2A-U01 Digital Electronics 2
EDIP-U1 Computer Vision/Digital Image ProcessingEDIP-U1 Computer Vision/Digital Image Processing
EDSM1-U01 Digital signalbehandling og matematik 1EDSM1-U01 Digital signal processing and mathematics 1
EDSM2-U01 Digital signalbehandling og matematik 2EDSM2-U01 Digital Signalprocessing and Mathematics 2
EDSM4-U01 Digital signalbehandling og matematik 4EDSM4-U01 Digital signal processing and mathematics 4
EELF3-U01 Elektrofysik 3EELF3-U01 Electro-Physics 3
EFPK3A-U1 Subject module project (Fagprojekt)EFPK3A-U1 Subject module project (Fagprojekt)
EJ2C++-U1 C++ for Java programmører (Data Structures and Algorithms using C++) EJ2C++-U1 C++ for Java programmers (Data Structures and Algorithms using C++)
EKRA3A-U1 Kredsløbsteori og analog elektronikEKRA3A-U1 Circuit theory and Analog Electronics
ELAAF-U01 Linear Algebra and Adaptive FiltersELAAF-U01 Linear Algebra and Adaptive Filters
ELINX-U01 Linux Networking and SecurityELINX-U01 Linux Networking and Security
ENETE-U01 Computer NetværkENETE-U01 Computer Network
ENETM-U01 Network ManagementENETM-U01 Network Management
ENETS-U01 Network SecurityENETS-U01 Network Security
ENUMA-U01 Numerisk analyseENUMA-U01 Numerical Analysis
EOOD2A-U01 Objektorientering programmering og Digital Elektronik 2EOOD2A-U01 Objectoriented programming and digital elekctronics 2
EOOP1A-U01 Grundlæggende Objektorienteret Programmering 1AEOOP1A-U01 Basic Object Oriented Programming 1A
EOOP2A-U01 Objektorienteret programmering 2EOOP2A-U01 Object Oriented Programming
EOS-U01 Operating SystemsEOS-U01 Operating Systems
EPRA1-U01 Praktik 1EPRA1-U01 Practice 1
EPRA2-U01 Praktik 2EPRA2-U01 Practice 2
EPRA3-U01 Praktik 3EPRA3-U01 Practice 3
ESATT-U01 Satellite technologyESATT-U01 Satellite technology
ESWIE-U01 Switchmode Power ElectronicsESWIE-U01 Switchmode Power Electronics
ETVP4E-U01 Tværfagligt projektarbejde 4ETVP4E-U01 Interdisciplinary Project 4
EVKET-U01 VærkstedskursusEVKET-U01 Workshop course
EVKETE-U01 VærkstedskursusEVKETE-U01 Workshop course
EWWL-U01 Wire- og wireless kommunikationEWWL-U01 Wire- and wireless communication
IAFP-U01 BachelorprojektIAFP-U01 Bachelor project
IAIT-U1 Kunstig Intelligens IAIT-U1 Artificial Intelligence
IANN-U01 Artificial Neural NetworkIANN-U01 Artificial Neural Network
IARK-U01 Computer ArchitectureIARK-U01 Computer Architecture
IBAC-15-U1 BachelorprojektIBAC-15-U1 Bachelor project
IDCEC-U01 Digital kodning og fejlkorrektionIDCEC-U01 Digital coding and error correction methods
IDCM-U01 Digital kommunikation and modulationIDCM-U01 Digital communication and modulation
IDIG1A-U01 Digital designIDIG1A-U01 Digital design
IDIG2A-U01 Digtal Elektronik 2IDIG2A-U01 Digital Electronics 2
IDIP-U1 Computer Vision/Digital Image ProcessingIDIP-U1 Computer Vision/Digital Image Processing
IDSM1-U01 Digital signalbehandling og matematik 1IDSM1-U01 Digital signal processing and mathematics 1
IDSM2-U01 Digital signalbehandling og matematik 2IDSM2-U01 Digital Signalprocessing and Mathematics 2
IJ2C++-U1 C++ for Java programmører (Data Structures and Algorithms using C++) IJ2C++-U1 C++ for Java programmers (Data Structures and Algorithms using C++)
ILAAF-U01 Linear Algebra and Adaptive FiltersILAAF-U01 Linear Algebra and Adaptive Filters
ILINX-U01 Linux Networking and SecurityILINX-U01 Linux Networking and Security
INETM-U01 Network ManagementINETM-U01 Network Management
INETS-U01 Network SecurityINETS-U01 Network Security
INUMA-U01 Numerisk analyseINUMA-U01 Numerical Analysis
IOOD2A-U01 Objektorientering programmering og Digital Elektronik 2IOOD2A-U01 Objectoriented programming and digital elekctronics 2
IOOP1A-U01 Grundlæggende Objektorienteret Programmering 1AIOOP1A-U01 Basic Object Oriented Programming 1A
IOOP2A-U01 Objektorienteret programmering 2IOOP2A-U01 Object Oriented Programming
IOS-U01 Operating SystemsIOS-U01 Operating Systems
IPRA1-U01 Praktik 1IPRA1-U01 Practice 1
IPRA2-U01 Praktik 2IPRA2-U01 Practice 2
IPRA3-U01 Praktik 3IPRA3-U01 Practice 3
IVKET-U01 VærkstedskursusIVKET-U01 Workshop course
IWWL-U01 Wire- og wireless kommunikationIWWL-U01 Wire- and wireless communication